Sponsor Aging in South Florida Virtual Symposium


Sponsoring AISF is a great way to advertise your business or organization, plus the opportunity to connect directly with potential customers. At AISF, every sponsor also receives vendor benefits, which include:

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Sponsorship Opportunities


Symposium Sponsor - $2,500

  • 4 General Admission tickets

  • Choice of 2 session sponsorships

  • Virtual sponsor booth

  • Logo on all collateral and website as Symposium sponsor

  • Part of PR campaign and monthly email blasts to over 3,000

  • Up to 2 resources to send to all attendees

  • Receive a list of event attendees

  • Networking and lead capture

  • Ability to schedule private meetings with attendees

  • One year Friend of SoFIA Membership with benefits at the Act Circle Level

Session Sponsor - $1,500

  • 2 General Admission tickets

  • Choice of one session sponsorship

  • Virtual sponsor booth

  • Logo on all collateral and website as session sponsor

  • Part of PR campaign and monthly email blasts to over 3,000

  • 1 resource to send out to all attendees

  • Networking and lead capture

  • Ability to schedule private meetings with attendees

  • One year Friend of SoFIA Membership with benefits at the Act Circle Level

Caregiver Sponsor - $750

  • Pays for the attendance of 10 actual caregivers

  • 2 General Admission tickets for sponsor

  • Virtual sponsor booth

  • Logo on all collateral and website as a sponsor

  • Networking and lead capture

  • Ability to schedule private meetings with attendees

  • Sponsorship of 1 Coffee Chat post event

Vendor Sponsor - $250

  • 1 General Admission ticket

  • Virtual sponsor booth

  • Networking and lead capture

  • Ability to schedule private meetings with attendees

  • Logo on collateral and website as sponsor

Nonprofit Sponsor - $100

  • 1 General Admission ticket

  • Virtual sponsor booth

  • Networking and lead capture

  • Ability to schedule private meetings with attendees

  • Logo on collateral and website as sponsor

To pay by check (and avoid processing fees) or if you have any questions, contact Rachelle Faublas, SoFIACare Director, at rfaublas@thesofia.org or 954-484-7117 ext. 111.

Thank You To Our Sponsors: